Catia V5 Software System Requirements

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CATIA® is the world’s engineering and design leading software used for product 3D. The CATIA V5 Student Edition gives you all the power. System requirements. This article describes CATIA system requirements as well as recommended computer configurations for the software. CATIA is great tool for Generative shape designs, and it has wide apploication in Aerospace and automotive industries. The minimum requirements to run CATIA is listed below. Os Platform: Windows XP Professional (32 or 64 bit version) Or Windows 7 (Service Pack 1) or highe versions of windows.

Hardware/Software Requirements Students attending Oregon Tech Seattle are strongly advised to acquire a personal computer sufficient to run the software required for program courses. Currently the most demanding software package that is used in the program is CATIA V5, which is used in the CAD, tool design, and senior project sequences. The following is the recommended minimum system for CATIA V5: • Network Adapter with Internet access is required. • Operating System: Windows XP - Home or Professional, or more advanced versions, Windows Vista or Windows 7 • Disk Drive: 40GB minimum, but much larger recommended by instructor • Memory: 1 GB minimum, but 2-4 GB recommended by instructor • CD-ROM drive required, CD/DVD-R/W recommended • Graphics Adaptor: A graphics adapter (card) with a 3D OpenGL accelerator is required. Graphic performance will depend on the selected graphics adapter. The graphics adapter should have at least the following capabilities: • 24 bits, true color, double buffered visual • 24 bits, Z-buffer • Stencil Buffer • Minimum 17 inch display with 1024 x 768 resolution, bigger is better for both. Starkey Inspire 2015 Download on this page.

Catia V5 Software System RequirementsCatia V5 Software System Requirements

• Keyboard, mouse, USB ports. • Printer It may be expensive to acquire a portable computer with sufficient hardware to operate CATIA V5 in a reasonable manner. As such, it may be more economical to acquire a desktop computer for running CATIA V5. If the student desires a portable computer, a much less expensive machine can then be acquired for running applications other than CATIA. Internet Access Students are strongly encouraged to acquire Internet access outside of their work environment.

Electronic communications have become an integral component of today's engineering environment and the ability to access electronic communication outside of work is often required. Firewalls can create difficulties with accessing information and downloading software. In addition, it is often advantageous to be able to communicate with faculty or students on weekends or after work. Oregon Tech students are automatically assigned an Oregon Tech email account, which is used for several communications with the student.

Students taking on-line courses are strongly encouraged to acquire a high-speed Internet connection at home to assist with timely completion of their studies.