Download Cracking Kit 2012
Cracking 2012 is the long awaited sequel to the original cracking kit 2010 released in 2008. It features the largest collection of reverse engineering tools ever compiled.
All software has been updated to the latest version, but you can still run older versions of the software if you want. In this kit, you will find rare, hard-to-find programs designed for the expert cracker, and the beginner. This kit now comes with a handy launcher menu called PStart.exe. Feel free to customize the layout of the menu to suit your needs.This kit is for educational purposes only. TOTU accepts no responsibility for any damage caused whilst using the kit. This Collection was Made for Educational Purposes Only. The UpLoader will Not Take any responsibility for what u do with this Tools.

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This is with viruses cos these are hacking tools and AV detect as viruses! I think it's better to use deep freeze and than u can freeze ur pc when u use this tools and than u can unfreeze it when u don't use!
============================== TOOLS OF THE UNDERGROUND PROUDLY PRESENT: CRACKING KIT 2012 CATEGORIES: * DEPROTECTION [All-in-one, huge collection of unpackers / deprotectors] * DECOMPILERS [All-in-one, decompilers for Visual Basic, Delphi, DOTNET, etc] * ANALYZING * CALCULATING * CONVERTING * CRYPTANALYSIS * DEBUGGING * DEPROTECTING * DISASSEMBLING * ENABLING * HEXING * MISC * NFO * PATCHING * PE TOOLS * REBUILDING * RESOURCE EDITING * TRIAL 14127 tools and tuts for cracker So what's with the 'reloaded' edition? Three little sub-kits* released, unaffiliated with TOTU.