Ernie Ball Music Man Axis Serial Numbers

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Ernie Ball Music Man Axis Serial Numbers

The first pic above features an encircled 'R' which has also been confirmed by the owner. This now appears in the same position previously occupied by the 'TM'. The second logo pic, although from a 1982 Bass, is included to give a clear visual example of the encircled 'R'. The encircled 'R' feature appears to have been introduced in 1977 (perhaps the second half of that year). An example is B00577x ('x' for last digit unknown). Neck date August 1977 and Body date December 1977 (advised by owner but no pic available at this time).

Circa second half of 1978 to end of MM period in 1984 A circa 1982 Logo. The encircled 'R' appears to be featured exclusively. Decals are not included on rear of necks during the Pre-EB period. Mdl Factory Download Mode Samsung Galaxy Ace more. Circa late 1979 (early 1980) Comparison of 1978 logo with circa 1982 logo.

From circa late 1979 (or early 1980) the logo changes position in that the left hand side drops lower towards the edge of the headstock. EB BASSES (1984 - Current) STING RAY (1984 - current) Early 1984-1985 Trans Logos Type 1 Typical Pre-EB headstock logo for comparison. 1980 “oldbluebassman”.

Ernie Ball Bass Serial B022355. Neck and Body both dated May 1985.

EB aquired Music Man in 1984 and continued production in the same year. Note the absence of any reference to 'Ernie Ball' on the logo. Also note the string tree located on the A an D strings which is an EB feature (Pre-EB Basses have it located on the D and G strings). This instrument also has a contoured body (Pre-EB 'Rays were slab). Finally, 'Made in USA' is deleted from the 4 bolt neck plate (which was previously stamped on the Pre-EB Basses).

However, note that some very early EB Basses may still have the Pre-EB neck plate. Another early 1985 logo. Serial number unknown.

Exactly the same as the comparison 1980 pic above. Type 2 Same as Type 1 but the Encircled 'R' after 'Music Man' moves to the mid position. There is still no mention of 'Ernie Ball'. 'Music Man' retains gold lettering. Picture to follow. Circa 1985 to circa 1988 (“Trans Logo”) The transitional logo (“Trans Logo”) period can be subdivided into two further periods: Trans Logo 1985 to circa 1987. Front and rear view of Bass serial 26511.

Date of birth 19 Nov 1987 'Andreas'. Same as for Early 1984-1985 but: 1) The words “Music Man” are now lowered and the encircled “R” following “Music Man” moves to the mid position. 2) The words “Music Man” are now clear (as opposed to gold lettering on the Pre-EB and Early 1985 Trans Logos). 3) The words “Ernie Ball” appear above “Music Man” and an encircled “R” follows also in the mid position. The 'R' is smaller than the 'R' following 'Music Man'. 4) Decals are NOT included on rear of headstocks. This is the case for both prefixed and un-prefixed serial-numbered Basses during this period.

Serial Number Surprise - The serial numbers on the Music Man guitars are NOT. See Rollies comments above if you are interested in how the Ernie Ball Axis compares.

5) Little man on right has the polo-neck deleted from his jumper. Trans Logo circa 1987 to circa 1988.

Closer view of headstock logo. Bass serial 28664. Geoclassifieds Enterprise Edition V5 Nulled Forum on this page. The headstock logo now becomes completely revised: 1) Encircled “R” after “Ernie Ball” moves to the lower position and becomes the same size as the other 'R's on the logo.

2) Little men are shown from waist up only and are now positioned after the words “Ernie Ball”. 3) Little man on left now raises his head (as opposed to the head being slanted previously).

4) The words “Music Man” are now solid black. 5) The word “Bass” is now deleted from the previous “Sting Ray Bass”. 6) “Sting Ray” is followed by an encircled “R” in the lower position. 7) The encircled “R” following “Music Man” is in the upper position.