How To Burn Ps3 Games To Bd Rebuilder
Feb 07, 2010 How do I make MKV files with BD Rebuilder? Only Blu-Ray file that you can burn to DVD media in an AVCHD file structure. A standalone Blu-Ray player or PS3. I decrypted it with AnyDVD, then burned the files with Nero. Its my first time trying to make a copy of one of my Bluray movies. Is there better software for doing this, and what could I have done wrong? The Xbox recognizes the Bluray disc because I see the screen show the Bluray word.but it doesnt read the.
Pou Pc Download Utorrent Mac there. I have only recently bought a BD-RW drive but as of yet have not actually burned any movies to a Blu-Ray disc. I was able to do everything with DVD discs, such as authoring with VOBs and burning images etc but I am at a loss of what to do with a MKV file. I have PowerProducer software that I got with my drive but it will only allow the input of VOB files and a couple of other formats but I'm not sure what to use to convert the MKV. I also don't want to lose any quality from the file when converting. Really hope someone can help as have trawled so many threads and posts lookign for an answer but have yet to get anything to work. Thanks for reading.