Install Windows 7 64 Bit On Lenovo T60

While the T60/p's Napa chipset will address up to 4GB of RAM, Lenovo(and I believe other manufacturers) locked it out to use only 3GB. I believe this was due to fears of some people getting lawsuit happy since x32 OS's(I'm pretty sure you couldn't order an x64 OS on a ThinkPad at that time) wouldn't. Oct 08, 2012 Installing windows 7 to Lenovo T60. I trying to Install Win7 64 bit, on my T60 - T2400. But it say that i can not install the 64 bit version:.
I have a very strange problem with my fresh install of Windows 7 Profesional, 64bits on my Lenovo Thinkpad T61: The overal performance is very slow, the disk is constantly spinning, even without any program running (after boot, no other programs installed). The boot process is very slow itself (4-5 minutes). I mention that the laptop was fine on XP until the upgrade. Additional info (as requested by the comments): • 2GB RAM • Yes, I added all the manufacturer (Lenovo) drivers and updates (using the utility provided by Lenovo) • Tried with both 32 and 64 bits editions.
The 32 bits one is performing a little better, but not very usable either. • The hdd has enough space (20 GB or so) • The problem is still present on a fresh install, so no recycle bin emptying or unistall programs (there aren't any except plain 7) would help.
I'm not a newbie, so no obvious causes are left unchecked. Try to run defragmentation. I have seen this helping a lot in some cases.
Windows 7 supposedly runs this regularly by itself, but maybe someone disabled it or something. Empty your Recycle Bin. (They used to call it trash can, why not any more?) Go to your control panel, 'add and remove programs' and get rid of as much stuff as possible. Especially if you have some adware, demos or plain unused programs. If it is your own computer and you kind of know your way around, you can usually get rid of almost everything you don't know. If this still does not help, you might want to try.
There is a 'one-click' option that should do it. There is a free trial and I have seen some cases where it helped. If these software tricks don't help, you should try to update your hardware. On a laptop, you can usually update your hard drive and memory. I would go for the hard drive first, but more memory won't hurt, either. Same problem here with a 4 GB of RAM on a Thinkpad 400.
Go to Task Manager and click on the button Show processes from all users at the bottom left. Baikal Izh 27 Manual Arts on this page. You must be admin to see it I think. Then sort by CPU usage. I found svchost using 50% of my cpu. It was Windows Update doing something in the background.