Lile Mysterieuse Patch Retour Sur Titre

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• Look - (Instant) Deals 800 damage to the current target. • - A rear cone which deals ~1900 damage and inflicts Concussion (DoT). 30 Famous Chinese Piano Pieces Pdf Download. Only triggered when a player is behind Anantaboga. • Rotten Breath - A frontal breath which deals ~2000 damage and inflicts Disease (Healing and Movement Speed reduction). • - A long cast, during which a red orb will appear in the middle of the room.

Deals heavy damage to all targets in line-of-sight of the orb. This appears to increase in damage each time it is used. • Plague Dance - A will target a random player. A few seconds later, a small red orb will be placed at the players location, which will pulse damage to all nearby targets for an extended period of time. • - A cast which deals ~2000 damage to all targets within the ground indicator placed under a random player There are two locations you tank this boss. The first is the entrance of the room, which should only be used if you only have ranged DPS. To pull to this position, have most of the party move to the right, then pull the boss straight forward to the entrance before rotating it so that the tail never faces the party.

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This prevents Tail Drive from ever being an issue. If you have melee DPS, you can also choose to tank him in the. This allows the tank to avoid moving for Imminent Catastrophe, as well as the melee DPS to still be able to hit Anantaboga during it. The downside to this position is it greatly limits the amount of room you have. Other than Tail Drive, Anantaboga will use Rotten Breath on the tank, which will deal heavy damage and inflict Disease, reducing healing taken.

Unless the tanks health is critical, remove the disease before healing them. Melee DPS should attack from the side to dodge both Tail Drive and Rotten Breath.

Roughly every minute during the fight, the ability Imminent Catastrophe will be used. This will create a in the middle of the room during the cast. You will need to hide behind one of the statues to avoid a large burst of damage. Make sure you line-of-sight the red orb, not the boss. If you are tanking in the back corner, the tank does not need to move. To make this slightly more complicated, each Imminent Catasrophe will awaken one of the statues. These do not need to be tanked and should be burned down quickly by the DPS.

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While these are alive, make sure you dodge Terror Eye. These will awaken in the same order every pull.

From the entrance to the room, the order is the back-left, the front-right, the front-left, and finally the back-right. After the second Imminent Catastrophe, Anantaboga will begin to use Plague Dance and target a random player with a purple beam. After a few seconds, the beam will fade and a red orb will appear at that players location, dealing damage to all nearby targets. As soon as you are targeted with a purple beam, run to a corner or side of the room. Do not place these orbs near the statue that the group is using to line-of-sight Catastrophe. These balls will vanish after Imminent Catastrophe is cast. This boss drops 50 Allagan Tomestones of Philosophy and 40 Allagan Tomestones of Mythology.