Name Change On Drivers License Pa
So just wondering how to go about changing my last name on my drivers license once i am married?? Do i need to show proof of the marriage or can i just go to pendot and fill out a name change form and they will change my license??

I'm soooo confused Prins Afc Software V2v here. !!! I am trying to book airline tickets for 3 weeks after. So just wondering how to go about changing my last name on my drivers license once i am married??
Do i need to show proof of the marriage or can i just go to pendot and fill out a name change form and they will change my license?? I'm soooo confused!!! I am trying to book airline tickets for 3 weeks after the wedding, but i don't know if i should use my maiden name or my married name???
HELP PLEASE:-D. Book the flight using your maiden name. There's no law that says you have to change your name immediately after the wedding. So just leave your license as it is with your maiden name until you return from your trip. Then you can change your name on your license. But the license has to remain the same as your tickets until you get back from the trip. Also, where I live you have to change your name with SS first before the DMV will do it.
Change your name quickly and easily with name change assistance service. Name Change Options for Pennsylvania Residents. Driver License and I.D.
Changing Your Name in Pennsylvania. Lets get your name right! If you have already changed your name, you are required to notify PennDOT. Any name changes must also be reflected on your Pennsylvania driver's license, permit, photo ID card, vehicle title, and registration. (Not sure how to change your. CHANGE NAME ON DRIVER'S LICENSE, PHOTO ID CARD, LEARNER'S PERMIT. If your name has changed due to marriage, divorce or another reason, you will need to complete one of the following forms: Commercial Driver's License: DL-80CD, or if expiring in the next 6 months: DL-143CD to renew. You can change your name on your PA driver's license, permit or photo identification card either by mail or in person. You cannot submit a name change online. If you apply by mail you must include notarized copies of all original documents.
You have to go in person to both places and bring a copy of your marriage certificate. Some states make you wait weeks to get the certificate in the mail, so you wouldn't be able to change your name right after the wedding anyway. This is how I changed my name in AZ, but I'm pretty sure it's universal anywhere within the US- our official marriage license (the one you sign is apparently just decorative) was ready the day after it was submitted (the day after we got married, as we married at the courthouse, and it was submitted immediately, but a pastor may take a few days to submit it).
I took the official copy of my marriage license to the Social Security office, and had my name changed there first (you have to provide a new SS card at the DMV to change the name on your license). The people at the SS office changed my name in their computer, shredded my original SS card, and gave me some official letter about being in the process of a name change (in case in the time it took me to get my new card I needed to have proof of being a US citizen I guess). My new SS card came about 2 weeks later in the mail. Terminator 3 Crack. After I got that, I was able to change my name on my DL, and switch everything else over (passport, bank accounts, doctors records, alumni association of my college ect.). It's a process, but I guess it's fine, you only have to go through the hassle one time.
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