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Tambu then reflects on the events leading up to her brother’s death. Despite the family’s poverty, Tambu’s parents were able to raise the fees to send Nhamo to school. There was not enough money to send Tambu as well, so she decided to grow and sell vegetables and raise the money herself. When she discovered that her brother was stealing food from her garden patch, she attempted to beat him up while the two were attending Sunday school.
Tambu’s teacher, Mr. The Sea Of Tranquility Ebook Download here. Matimba, took her to Umtali, a local urban center, to sell green ears of corn. A white woman, Doris, and her husband pitied Tambu and gave Mr. Matimba ten pounds sterling to pay for her education. The extended family gathered to celebrate the return of, his wife,, and their two children, Chido and, back from studying abroad in England. Software Tanaka T21 Multi Hd Terbaru.