Noco Battery Isolator Manual

I bought a battery isolator 140 Amp for my 2004 sprinter camper conversion. I have the rear huge AC unit so I believe the car has the massively oversized alternator.
Download Sound Driver Windows Xp Sp3. Kannada Movie Mussanje Mathu Songs Free Download. I also bought a mounting kit for it with a 50 amp fuse and only 8 AWG wire. It looks like I screwed up, the manual for the Noco alternator says if I have a 140 amp alternator I should us 2 AWG wire no more than 5' of it. I think the mounting kit is for wimpy 50 amp alternators. In any case, for mounting I'm wondering where the fuse is supposed to be (between the amp and the isolator I would guess) and how can I tell what amp alternator I have? The unit is pretty big too and has lots of fins so I'm wondering where is the best place to mount it.