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I WILL HELP YOU WITH: • Bingeing, overeating, living to eat, and struggling with food and shame hangovers • Dieting, restricting “forbidden” foods, and depriving yourself of nourishment and pleasure • Obsessing about weight or yo-yoing wildly up and down the scale • Using food to manage your emotions and take care of yourself ASK YOURSELF, AM I READY TO: • Say goodbye to the magical idea of quick fixes for weight loss and unhealthy eating? • Discover how diets have failed me and how to be healthy and fit? • Reconnect to and eat according to my appetite signals?

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• Retrain my brain to say “yes” and “no” to food in the right balance? • Feel my feelings and learn strategies to manage life without using food for comfort, coping or excitement? & by This website is owned and operated by Karen R. Koenig, M.Ed., LCSW. It contains material intended for informational and educational purposes only, and reasonable effort is made to keep its contents updated.