Serial Avr Programmer
I have decided to try to find some simple and very cheap programmer to try with it. My experience with the PIC chips told me that may be the best solution would be to find a circuit of serial programmer, working on the RS232 computer port. ATTENTION: This will work only on PC having real RS232 serial port. USB to RS232. This is a very simple and easy to build programmer for Atmel microcontrollers from AVR family. Brandt Trumpet Etudes Pdf Converter on this page. The microcontrollers must support serial programming. Find great deals on eBay for Universal Programmer in. Support AVR SCM mass production of. Socket and is provided with an ICSP serial programming.
Last update $Date: 2008/01/05 23:21:01 $ Introduction If you are looking for a simple but powerful programmer you are right, it's here. Program De Scos Vocea Dintr-o Piesa. PonyProg is a serial device programmer software with a user friendly GUI framework available for Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and Intel Linux.

Its purpose is reading and writing every serial device. At the moment it supports I²C Bus, Microwire, SPI eeprom, the Atmel and Microchip micro. SI-Prog is the programmer hardware interface for PonyProg. With PonyProg and SI-Prog you can program Wafercard for SAT, eeprom within GSM, TV or CAR-RADIO. Furthermore it can be used as a low cost starter kit for PIC and AVR. Support PonyProg PonyProg works also with other simple hardware interfaces like (STK200/300),, and DT-006 AVR (by Dontronics).